3 Important Headspace Meditations for Dealing with Chronic Pain or Illness

It’s no secret that I am a big proponent for meditation.

Meditation is a key part of Hal Elrod's The Miracle Morning.

I'm am so obsessed with this book, I'm telling everyone I know to read it. In fact, I just got off the phone with my DZ BFF, I was encouraging her to relax before her year end review, she's going to read it.

In the Life S.A.V.E.R.S., the first S. stands for Silence...meaning meditation.

Currently, I am using the Headspace app. While using this app I found 3 important meditations for dealing with chronic pain or illness.


First, headspace has a wonderful pain management pack. It’s a 30 day pack that takes you through learning how to manage your chronic pain.

For me, the pack helped most when I was out and about in public and had a sudden pain flare strike.  Feeling helpless in a terrible moment: I’m not at home, I don’t have any of the items that help me through pain flare.  However, now I know a few techniques to take the edge off. Is it perfect? No. But, it does help me get through a situation until I can get to my house.

Some of the things that most don’t realize about chronic pain and illness is that it goes hand in hand with depression and anxiety.

Headspace also has a wonderful depression 30 day pack and anxiety 30 day pack.


I went through the anxiety pack first because I felt that that was what I needed immediately after finishing the Pain Management Pack.

I was having anxiety about trying to fall asleep at night, riding in cars, what I was going to fix for dinner because I felt so bad, and many other things.  The anxiety pack really helped my breathing and focus. Andy Puddicombe the meditation guru's voice is so soothing and he really takes you through your thought processes when you are in an anxious moment. In fact, sometimes I can’t even hear him speaking in my head when I feel my anxiety ramping up.


Depression is also something I never thought I would experience.

I’ve always been a happy go lucky person, but after two years of nonstop nerve pain that was uncontrolled, I fell into a depression, and I didn't even know it.

When I went into the depression pack just to see if it was something I wanted to do, that’s actually when I have the dawning realization that I was depressed. The 30 day pack really help me put things into perspective, when it was over, I decided to go seek medical advice for my general practitioner.

If you have a chronic condition and you feel like you may be depressed I highly recommend this package. You may be similar to me and you just don’t realize it.

In my experience, 3 important meditations for dealing with chronic pain or illness are the pain management, anxiety, and depression packs on Headspace. I highly suggest that if you suffer from any of these conditions to check them out. And sometimes they're even funny! I mean look at the update notice...hilarious!

If you haven't checked out The Miracle Morning they have it in audio, if you like to listen and drive, or paperback.