Amazon Fire TV Stick
Treat Yo Self Thursday comin' at ya with a BIG treat yo self moment.
I mean big.
I've saved up my monthly fun money and with the help of an Amazon gift card from my parents, we got an Amazon Fire TV Stick for our bedroom TV.
I mean wow!
We're "cord never's"--meaning that we've never had cable. From the beginning, #leohusband and I hooked up an old desktop to our TV and watched Netflix (and Hulu when it used to be free).
More and more services are going to online subscriptions and we were more than happy to sign up for each. The total bills still being less than paying for both cable and internet. Plus, the Fire TV Stick is so inexpensive, once that cost is sunk you are definitely saving money by the next year.
We are happy cord never subscribers to HBO, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Funamation, and Crunchyroll.
Yes, the last two are for me, I'm a total Otaku - super geeky and obsessed anime fangirl. However, #leohusband also likes anime, it's one of the things that told me he was the one.
One TV we have our XBox hooked up, all of the above apps can be downloaded on the XBox.
Our second TV is connected to a desktop computer.
Now our bedroom TV has an Amazon TV Fire Stick! I can go watch TV and shut the bedroom door when #leohusband calls overseas at all hours of the night.
What's even better is I can unplug it and take it to my sewing room, plug it into my super small apartment TV and there is zero set up. It just immediately works! Amazing.
I'm so in love with it.
There have been days that I simply haven't been able to get out of bed, due to a migraine or pain. I always just put on sunglasses, maybe a hat, and crawled to the living room couch to have the TV distract me.
Now I can stay in the bedroom if need be. Hell yes!
The Alexa remote also lets me say "Play Westworld" and it will play it. That's super cool and good for when I don't want to scroll through multiple screens.
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